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from TWBC



Here is your weekly update from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council

A hand holding paintbrushes and flowers

Get Naturally Creative with artist Polly Bennett!

Join environmental artist and pigment maker Polly Bennett for an unforgettable creative journey. Whether you choose a single session or join the full eight month programme, you'll explore the beauty of nature through hands-on art activities inspired by The Amelia Scott's collections.

There are eight session, held on the last Friday of each month starting in March: you can book onto each session separately or join as many as you wish. There are also two Go Card places available for each session.

Find out more.

Hands holding the earth

What our Sustainability team does

Throughout February we've been sharing more on our social media about the work our Sustainability team have been doing. 

Find out more about Henry and Jess's work in this blog post.

a hand rubbing a cat's head

The Assembly Hall gets a Clu(n)e(s)

National treasure Martin Clunes is coming to The Assembly Hall Theatre on May 7, interviewed by Gaby Huddart as part of TW Lit Fest 2025!

Join him for 'Meetings With Remarkable Animals', a heartwarming and inspiring account of the moving and sometimes astonishing ways animals have enriched our lives. From search and rescue dogs to mine-sniffing rats, and life-saving dolphins to therapy horses and medal winning cats and pigeons, the stories brought to life will charm, surprise and astonish in equal measure.

Get your ticket now!

A hand holding a water bottle

Exercise on referral

If you have a health condition such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity or are recovering from an illness or operation then the Exercise Referral scheme can help you get active.

Speak to your GP or health professional who will be able to refer to the scheme if you are eligible. Currently available at Tunbridge Wells Sports Centre, fees and eligibility criteria applies.

Read more.

A hand holding a ballot paper

Full Council approves Strategic Plan

For details of the Strategic Plan for 2024-2032, which was approved at a Full Council meeting which took place on 26 February, please take a look at our website.


Your local information

For Town Hall Mount Pleasant Road , Royal Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1RS

bin collections    

Bin Collections



Household waste

Not available


Garden waste

Not available



Not available

Your food waste is collected weekly on the same day as your recycling or household waste collection and it may be collected by a separate lorry at a different time of the day.

Got an awkward or bulky item to dispose of? Our bulky waste collection service will remove heavy or large items too big to fit in your bin. To visit the household waste recycling centre at North Farm you must book a slot in advance using the Kent County Council booking system. 

Remember you can put old batteries out during your recycling collection week and small electrical items and textiles on your household waste collection week.

Check our waste and recycling pages for more information.



Up to three recent planning applications within 400 metres of your property are listed below.

38-40 Monson Road Royal Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 1LU

Renewal of shop frontage including new signage and alterations to extraction location at rear of property.

View online 22/03229/FULL

Validated: 09/11/2022

38-40 Monson Road Royal Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 1LU

Listed Building Consent: Renewal of shop frontage including new signage and alterations to extraction location at rear of property.

View online 22/03230/LBC

Validated: 03/11/2022

Black Sheep Coffee 27 Mount Pleasant Road Royal Tunbridge Wells Kent TN1 1PN

Advertisement - 2 sets of internally illuminated fascia text, 2 internally illuminated projection signs

View online 22/03097/ADV

Validated: 27/10/2022

There are more than 3 recent planning applications within 200 metres of your property.

We can only show a limited number of planning applications in this newsletter and it may not include everything near your property. A full list of recently validated planning applications can be found on our website



The Eliot Smith Dance Company, one of North East's England's greatest dance companies, is coming to Trinity Theatre for the first time with Eliot Smith's dance production 'PITMAN'.

"Impressed by the depth of technique, precision and originality on display" (NARC Magazine), experience the world of the Pitmen Painters, the famous amateur art group from Ashington, through powerful and entertaining contemporary dance. With intimate solos, duets and dramatic ensemble dancing.
It's a must-see for anyone interested in high quality dance, art history, or innovative storytelling.

Book your tickets now!

Hands full of nuts

Every year since 2017 on the last Bank Holiday Sunday in May Cranbrook's High Street has been closed to traffic and filled with a feast of stalls with a wonderful range of produce in accordance with their celebration of 'everything that grows and what you can do with it dead or alive'. From plant nurseries to woodturners, artists to stick-makers, pottery, candles, jewellery, local honey, and with music, dance and food into the mix too.

Find out more.


Would you like to let thousands of people across the borough know about your event? Tell us about it and we'll do our best to include it in a future update.


Your Councillors Park


Councillor Christian Atwood

Councillor Christian Atwood

Councillor Nicholas Pope

Councillor Nicholas Pope

Councillor Victoria White

Councillor Victoria White

Local Councillors are elected by the community to decide how the council should carry out its various activities. They represent public interest as well as individuals living within the ward.

View your ward councillor's details on our website.

Council meetings    

Council Meetings

General Purposes Committee: Monday, 5th December, 2022 6.30 pm
Planning Committee: Wednesday, 7th December, 2022 6.30 pm
Cabinet: Thursday, 8th December, 2022 6.30 pm
Full Council: Wednesday, 14th December, 2022 6.30 pm
Full Council: Wednesday, 14th December, 2022 6.30 pm
Full Council: Wednesday, 14th December, 2022 7.00 pm

The full calendar of meetings and how to attend can be found on our website.

Tunbridge Wells Borough Council publish a full list of the decisions taken at Council meetings along with the Forward Plan, a list of forthcoming decisions to be taken.


Consultations and Engagement

You can access our consultations on Talking Point.


Licensing Public Notices

The following applications are open for public consultation.

Provender House

An application has been made by Anthony Rowcliffe and Son Ltd for the premises:

Provender House Unit B, Paddock Wood Distribution Centre Transfesa Road Paddock Wood Tonbridge, Kent TN12 6UU

Anyone may make a representation or a comment, find out more on our Licensing Public Notices webpage.



Report it    

Report it

You can report flytipping, graffiti and other problems in your area quickly and easily, 24 hours a day on our website

You can also apply online for more than 30 different types of services, including licensing, council tax, housing benefit, housing register, parking, planning and building control.



Kent County Council look after the county's highways and roads and are responsible for issuing permits and licences for road closures. Kent County Council publish an online map of planned roadworks in the area.

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Our other newsletters

TW Business newsletter

Find out the latest business news, funding, tips, services offered and business events from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and its partners via our website, quarterly newsletters, #TWBiz for all and #TWTourismBiz for the tourism sector.

Assembly Hall Theatre

The Assembly Hall Theatre send out a regular email with announcements about the latest shows, offers and discounts.


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